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Message to Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin

Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin - Catholic  in Wisconsin Rapids WI

Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin

(920) 729-1234
(920) 729-1234


Non Profit Medical Religious
Practice Areas

About Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin

We are a chartered guild of the national Catholic Medical Association in the diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin. This guild was formed, at the request of Bishop Ricken, in late 2012 and we held our inaugural mass and luncheon in Green Bay, WI on February 24, 2013. We hold regular educational and social events at various locations throughout the diocese. Our guild is open to physicians and other healthcare professionals, members of religious orders, Catholic Hospitals/health systems as well as anyone who is interested in current issues in healthcare as they relate to our Catholic faith. We are Catholic individuals dedicated to the ministry of health care. We help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.

We are a leading local voice on applying the principles of the Catholic faith to medicine.
We represent faithful Catholics in the medical community; create and organize educational resources and events; advocate for members, the Church, and the medical profession in public forums; and provide guidance for bishops and other national leaders on healthcare ethics and policy.

Guilds provide fellowship, education, and service to the local Church, the community, and peers in health care.

We are dedicated to educating and supporting the next generation.
Through the Catholic Medical Association Student Section (CMA-SS), we provide meaningful support and instruction to medical students as they grow in the Faith and as medical professionals. We are committed to handing on a Catholic and Hippocratic approach to medicine.


Primary Office Location

pin 1441 East Shore Trail Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494

pin (920) 729-1234


Social Media

Facebook page for Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin - Catholic  in Wisconsin Rapids
Message Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin
(920) 729-1234