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Message to Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association

Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association - Catholic  in Nashville TN

Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association

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About Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association

The Catholic Medical Association helps all health care professionals grow in the spirit of Christ in their personal and professional lives, so they can bring His Spirit to the science and art of medicine. Our guild operates with two main sections, and both receive equal energy and time in development of activities and our evangelical mission. We are the Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association (NG-CMA) and the medical student Society of Saints Cosmas and Damien (SSCD), run by CMA members including medical students from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Meharry Medical College.


Primary Office Location

pin Nashville TN


Social Media

Facebook page for Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association - Catholic  in Nashville
Message Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association